How To STOP An Anxiety Attack – In Under 3 Minutes
Stop Your Anxiety Attack FAST Using Military Special Forces Techniques
By Dave Lucas
You KNOW the Worry…
Worry about that feeling of panic you get…
…at the worst possible time.
The problem is, panic often happens when the stakes are high. Where you really cannot afford to fail.
And then it makes you mess it up big time, because you freeze, or completely lose it!
You mess up:
- The Big Speech
- That important meeting with the CEO
- Your opportunity to chat to that hot person
- Your BIG Break
And afterwards you feel so bad!
How could you mess up your big moment? And yet you did.
Because you panicked.
Can you imagine all the times this has happened to you?
Panic and Anxiety Attacks cost you big time!
And that is why you KNOW you need to deal with your panic attacks RIGHT NOW!
There is no time to wait… because tomorrow, something important might happen.
And you’ll mess it up again.
That is why I wrote this article.
To teach you the best techniques available today. To STOP an Anxiety Attack in its tracks.
That’s why you must read every word in this article and apply every technique,…
…because this is your big chance to finally liberate yourself…
…from panic and anxiety attacks.
Anxiety Attack Symptoms
An Anxiety Attack is a sudden feeling of overwhelming fear.
Suffers tend to lose control during an attack.
The attack is normally linked to a particular life situation. In particular, sufferers experience anxiety attacks under stress or when experiencing pressure.
Anxiety Attacks tend to come on rapidly and last about 10 min or subside when the pressure subsides.
Common Psychological Symptoms:
- Intense or overwhelming fear
- Sense of losing control or “going crazy”
- Intense fear of making a mistake or “messing up”
- Being frozen mentally or physically
- Fear of disaster or dying
- Fear about getting another Anxiety Attack
- Feeling ashamed about Anxiety Attack afterwards
Common Physical Symptoms:
- Sensations of shortness of breath or suffocating
- Feelings of choking
- Chest tightness, pain or discomfort
- Pounding heart, palpitations, or accelerated heart rate
- Sweating
- Trembling or shaking
- Inability to move, or speak
- Nausea or abdominal distress
- Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint
- Chills or heat sensations
- Numbness or tingling sensations
Reference: The 5th Edition of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
FACT: Combat Personnel Panic in Battle
Not many people realise that military and special forces people often suffer from overwhelming and debilitating anxiety.
A combat encounter is very serious, life-threateningly serious. Many soldiers freeze up and get killed as a result.
That is why military trainers have developed the most powerful and fastest acting techniques available… to deal with combat anxiety.
You will find these techniques to be very simple, easy to use, and highly effective.
If they can address combat situations, they are more than powerful enough to address the day-to-day anxieties we experience.
Get ready to liberate yourself from the worry of unexpected panic attacks.
It’s time to live your life again.
Breathing – The Ninpo Secret
Blow out Hard and Rapidly
(Be sure to empty your lungs)
Then Breathe in Slowly
Figure 1: Ninpo Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi – Demonstrating how to deal with a sword attack.
The Ninpo (Ninja) were the most effective special forces operatives in history.
Often vastly outnumbered by armoured Samurai, they had to get the job done and come out alive.
Ninpo martial arts techniques are very complex and demand that the practitioner is very calm during their execution. That is why Ninpo had to learn how to deal with combat and mission anxiety.
This technique is derived from my experiences in Ninpo training.
In this training we are forced to deal with pressurised circumstances, so that we can learn to remain calm no matter the pressure, no matter the circumstance.
The principle is known as Fudoshin.
Fudoshin is the ‘immovable mind’, that is, the mind that has met all challenges of life, and has attained a state of complete composure and fearlessness.Source:
So for instance, someone will strike you with a Bo Staff (Basically a big wooden stick).
This can be very scary as it will really hurt if you get hit (and you do occasionally get hit).
Under this pressure, you need to remain calm and execute your technique. Even when the staff is flying faster than your eye can see.
Because of the pressure, it is very easy to be frozen in panic. Just like in an anxiety attack.
So how do you deal with this?
The Basic Principle is:
First Breathe and then Move
Turns out that the reason we panic and freeze is because we stop breathing.
We hold our breath.
The same applies to anxiety and panic in other life circumstances.
Breathe and Move
Then you don’t freeze
The easiest way to get yourself breathing is to stop the breath holding.
In other words, force your lungs to empty themselves rapidly.
The Easiest Way to Do this is to:
Blow out Hard and Forcefully
That way you can empty your lungs in about a second or less.
Then Take in a Normal Slow Breath
And your Panic State will be Broken
You will be breathing again.
Thought Stopping
Command yourself,
“STOP. Focus…”
Thought stopping is a technique derived from the military.
I first read about it in the book:
Warrior Mindset – Mental Toughness Skills for the Nation’s Peacekeepers
by Michael Asken, Dave Grossman & Loren Christensen
This book outlines a number of techniques for dealing with combat anxiety.
In combat situations, soldiers experience what is known as arousal. This is a feeling of being amped.
What is Arousal?
Arousal is the state we feel when under stress. Our body releases adrenaline and we experience the “Fight or Flight” response.
A bit of arousal is actually good for us. It improves performance.
But when we are overwhelmed with stress it becomes harmful to performance.
In combat situations soldiers experience arousal.
It is accompanied by symptoms such as:
- Increased heart rate
- Faster breathing
- Sweaty palms
- Muscle tightness
They can also:
- Struggle to concentrate
- Make errors in judgement
- Experience uncontrollable emotions (like anxiety)
In extreme cases they can experience:
- Choking up
- Freezing
- Lethal death grip (where they, for instance, can’t let go of the gun’s trigger).
Thought Stopping is used to manage arousal.
With thought stopping…
You basically tell yourself, or even command yourself to stop.
So, as you feel the feelings of anxiety rise you say, “STOP!”
Out loud if in private. In your mind if in public.
You then give yourself a command to focus your mind on what you need to do in the situation.
Like, “Focus…”
You then obey the command.
The sequence is, “STOP, Focus…”
Then you FOCUS on your current situation.
Thought Stopping: How it’s Done
Monitor for the presence of negative thoughts.
If they occur:
- Yell to yourself the words “NO!” or “STOP IT!”
- OR imagine a stop sign or flashing “STOP IT” sign.
Give yourself a task focused cue or instruction:
Then execute the skill.
Extract from: Warrior Mindset – Mental Toughness Skills for the Nation’s Peacekeepers page 205.
TECHNIQUE DURATION: About 25 seconds
Eliminate Psychological Reversal
Massage the Karate Chop Point
Psychological Reversal is a phenomenon that comes from Energy Psychology.
More specifically…
Thought Field Therapy (TFT).
TFT has been used to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in military veterans.
What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can occur following a life-threatening event like:
- Military combat
- Natural disasters
- Terrorist incidents
- Serious accidents
- Violent personal assaults like rape
Most survivors of trauma return to normal given a little time.
However, some people have stress reactions that don’t go away on their own, or may even get worse over time.
These individuals may develop PTSD.
People who suffer from PTSD often suffer from:
- Anxiety Attacks
- Nightmares
- Flashbacks
- Difficulty sleeping
- Feeling emotionally numb
These symptoms can significantly impair a person’s daily life.
References: &
One of the primary causes of anxiety or panic getting out of hand is a reversal in the direction of your Biofield.
Your Biofield is the energy system that operates in your body. It is the same energy system that is fixed in acupuncture and acupressure.
If this energy flows in the wrong direction, then you can be stuck in a state of panic.
Psychological Reversal is experienced as a situation where you know better, but still do the wrong thing.
So, you know you should calm down, but still panic.
You use TFT to correct Psychological Reversal.
Correcting Psychological Reversal
Here’s how to correct Psychological Reversal:
- Find the Karate Chop point. It is located on the outside edge of the hand, about midway between the wrist and the base of the little finger.
- Massage or Tap this point five times with two fingers of the opposite hand.
Extract from: Tapping the Healer Within by Roger Callahan page 85.
When you tap or massage the Karate Chop point during an anxiety attack,… removes the power of the emotional flood.
It gives you the ability to regain control of your mental faculties.
It is also good to…
…think about the actual anxiety or panic feeling while you are massaging.
This activates the emotional energy circuits in your body…
…and enables them to be corrected.
TECHNIQUE DURATION: About 60 to 120 seconds
Tactical Breathing
Breathe using 4-2-6 Rhythm
4 sec IN, 2 sec HOLD, 6 sec OUT
Tactical breathing is one of the most effective techniques…
…for controlling combat anxiety.
“Breath Control should be a mandatory component of survival stress management.
Extract from: Warrior Mindset – Mental Toughness Skills for the Nation’s Peacekeepers page 112.
Not only is tactical breathing effective for combat situations,…
…it is also highly effective for dealing with…
…panic attacks and anxiety. In fact, tactical breathing is one of the most effective techniques…
…in existence for dealing with panic attacks.
Tactical Breathing on the Front Line
Dr Matt Hing a US front line military physician in Afghanistan…
…reveals an interesting case study on the power of breath control.He relates the case where an injured soldier was freaking out.
The situation was high pressure…
…as the enemy was still in engagement.
They needed to calm him down very quickly.Here is the rest of the story in his words:
“I got really close to the young soldier’s face and…
…told him to take deep breaths.
I had to repeat this three times,…
…but he did take the deep breaths…
…and finally calmed down enough for us to examine the knee…
…and complete our search for any other more occult wounds.By coaching him through the deep breathing,…
I was able to help him overcome the pain faster…
…than even the most rapidly pushed…
…intravenous injections of morphine or fentanyl.“
Extract from: Warrior Mindset – Mental Toughness Skills for the Nation’s Peacekeepers page 113.
So, what is the best way to breathe?
For calming yourself down,…
…it is effective to use Yogic Breathing also called Pranayama.
The military also advise the use of yogic breathing.
We’re going to use a very simple,…
…yet highly effective Pranayama breathing pattern.
Basic Principle:Breathe Out for LONGER than you Breathe In
This Automatically Relaxes You
And you…
Basic Principle:Breathe Slowly and Deeply
This Oxygenates Your Brain
So you breathe slowly and deeply in the following rhythm…
Breathe IN for 4 Seconds
HOLD the Breath for 2 Seconds
Breathe OUT for 6 seconds
Follow this breathing pattern for 1 to 2 min,…
…and you will find yourself rapidly calming down.
The Effects of Shallow Breathing
Under pressure people often hyperventilate. That is they breathe in rapidly with shallow breaths.
Hyperventilation reduces the Carbon Dioxide levels in the blood stream. Leading to hypocapnia.
This causes decreased oxygen delivery to the cells as it puts all the muscles of the body into a state of spasm. This affects airways, colon, arteries, arterioles and the diaphragm.
As a result brain oxygen levels decrease creating a state of panic in the brain.
That’s why it is important to breathe slowly and deeply under pressure and during an Anxiety Attack.
This restores normal oxygen levels to the brain…
…and stops the Anxiety Attack.
TECHNIQUE DURATION: About 15 seconds
Mind Control with Afformations
Say the Afformations:
Why am I able to deal with this situation?
Why do I calmly focus on what I need to do to succeed?
One of the key discoveries in combat survival studies is…
…the fact that your mindset directly affects…
…your chances of surviving dangerous situations.
The Survival Mindset
Mindset is Serious
People with a positive, “Can do” mindset. Get through.
People with a negative, “Worst Case Scenario, What IF?” mindset, are less likely to survive.
That’s why mindset is serious.
Self-talk is one of the most powerful tools you can use to control your mindset.
Essentially you tell yourself what to do, think and believe.
You could use statements like:
- Stay Calm and Focused (Do)
- Think about how strong you are (Think)
- Believe you can succeed (Belief)
When you add emotion, the effect is even more powerful.
The Survival Mindset
Talk Yourself Down
The basic approach used by combat personnel and ironically…
Buddhist monks too…
…is to talk yourself down.
So, if you are in a panic situation, you tell yourself something like:
“Calm down.
You can do this.
Just relax and focus…
…on what needs to be done”
Another approach is to use Afformations.
What are Afformations?
Afformations are like affirmations, but far more powerful.
Essentially you turn the affirmation into a question.
Usually a “Why” question.
So, you could take the affirmation:
I am able to deal with this situation
You then turn it into a “Why” question:
Why am I able to deal with this situation?
Afformations work so well because they bypass the brain’s conscious filters.
This means they work directly on the unconscious mind.
Creating deep and meaningful change.
Almost like MAGIC!
Afformations are very easy to use.
You simply ask yourself the question.
And expect an answer.
Your unconscious mind has to find you an answer,…
…and in so doing reprograms itself to deal with the situation.
Try these afformations now:
Why do I feel in control of my life?
Why am I capable of Greatness?
Why can I create the life I desire?
Strive to find at least one answer to each question.
Empowering, isn’t it?
The Survival Mindset
Use Afformations
Use the following afformations under pressure…
…or during an Anxiety Attack:
Why am I able to deal with this situation?
Why do I focus on what I need to do to succeed?
Why am I feeling calm and focused as I act?
Why none of these techniques will work.
You’ve read the article
You’ve seen the techniques
But none of them will work for you… unless you use them.
And the problem is. In the middle of an anxiety attack. THe last thing you cna do is remember which technique to use.
It is just too overwhelming.
That’s why we have found a solution to your problem.
We have put together a convenient pocket card which fits in your wallet or purse.
You can carry it with you wherever you go.
If you are having a panic attack you simply take out the card and follow the steps. Within less that 3 min you willbe ok again. ANd often far faster. I have timed the techniques and it takes me about 90 seconds to use all of them with a bit of practice. So you really can stop your panic attack in it’s track.
The good news, is this card is available at no charge.
You just register for free using the form below and you will gain access.
I have also added in a bonus video recording on how to use the techniques. So you know you have got them just right!
You have nothing to lose except a whole lot of fear and panic. So get access to your pocket card today.
I’ve put this all together for you in a convenient pocket card. So you can carry it with you wherever you go. So that when you have a panic attack, you can apply the tecnqiues there and then. And stop the attack in it’s tracks.
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