Anxiety – Dawning Truth
All posts in "Anxiety"

Reprogram your Unconscious Mind to Stop Anxiety

By Dave Lucas / Nov 4, 2017

Unconscious change techniques… …work on the premise that… …we create our anxiety …by running faulty software …in our brains.  These are like the bugs we see in computer software,… …except they operate in human software.


7 Ingenious Ways To Calm Your Anxiety

By Dave Lucas / Nov 4, 2017

Anxiety can be a particularly debilitating ailment. It can strike you at any moment,… …filling you with uncontrollable fear and panic. You don’t know what to do,… …and feel like you have lost control. You wish you had a better way to deal with the problem. In this post we will explore 7 ingenious approaches […]


Apply Rational Emotional Techniques for Anxiety

By Dave Lucas / Nov 4, 2017

Rational Emotional Techniques are based… …on the neuroscience discovery …that there are actual pathways between …the emotional brain …and rational brain. When we develop and strengthen these pathways… …then we are more emotionally intelligent  …and by implication …better able to deal with anxiety.


What is Anxiety? Scientia Est Potentia…

By Dave Lucas / Nov 4, 2017

Scientia Est Potentia is the latin phrase often translated as… …”Knowledge is Power” More accurately it means: “Skill is Might!” It alludes to the idea that… …when we develop skill, we no longer have to fear.